Best Veterinarians in Kenton, OH

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If you live in Kenton, Ohio, or the surrounding central Ohio area, we would love to be your veterinary hospital. Our doctors and staff are committed to providing you with full-service veterinary care for your dogs and cats. In operation since 1971, Oates Veterinary Clinic welcomes both emergency cases as well as patients in need of routine medical,
We are a general veterinary practice that treats animals in clinic, on farms, and at stables throughout Hardin and surrounding counties. We are equipped for outpatient care for companion animals, horses, and food animals. Our practice uses diagnostic and treatment techniques including digital radiography, ultrasound, endoscopy, in-house lab services
A pet can bring a lifetime of joy, love and treasured memories. With those happy moments also comes a special responsibility to care for the needs of your animal friend. We believe your pet deserves the best veterinary care and we take great pride in making sure they are treated like a member of the family. Our friendly, experienced staff provides a