Richardson Animal Hospital
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Richardson Animal Hospital
Thank you, thank you, thank you, to all of our magnificent pet families who have endured a long year of curbside service with us here at Richardson Animal Hospital! We truly appreciate your understanding, patience, kindness, and patronage! As further medical advancements are made and state mask orders have been rescinded, I'm sure that many of you have and will be asking when our doors will be fully open once again.

As some of you already know, our clinic is enduring a significant interior facelift renovation; though it was our hope and expectation that the project would be completed prior to the state's mask unveiling, alas, it is not. Know that we covet seeing all of you soon within our walls again, but in an effort to expedite the completion of our building's renovation, we must maintain our curbside service for now.

Please continue to check-in upon arrival by calling the front desk at (330)296-9747. Certainly, we can and will accommodate as best we can for special circumstances and requests as needed, though our workspaces continue to be consumed in an active construction zone for the time being.
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