Rascal Animal Hospital
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Rascal Animal Hospital
The Rascal Unit consists of two mobile veterinary hospitals based in Dublin, Ohio. We travel throughout the state with the help of local humane organizations, pounds, and shelters to bring compassionate pet sterilization and routine veterinary care to individuals in need. We team up with local humane organizations and animal control officers to provide emergency and medical care during animal cruelty and neglect investigations.

The Rascal Unit also provides wellness and vaccine clinics at different locations throughout each month. Check out our wellness clinic page for more information. I have had my 3 dogs and 3 cats all spad or neutered, and had their vaccines boosters by the RASCAL Unit, and they are so friendly, plus my animals all got along fine after their surgeries.

Huge thank you to The genuinely kind staff who didn't judge my tears as dropped off my baby, Sophie. The staff was so compassionate towards me and my scared little girl.
The Rascal Unit consists of two mobile veterinary hospitals built here in Ohio by LaBoit, Inc. in Gahanna.
The Rascal Unit staff travels throughout the State of Ohio providing compassionate pet sterilization and wellness care.
We travel throughout the state with the help of local humane organizations, pounds, and shelters to bring affordable pet sterilization and routine veterinary care to individuals in need.
The Rascal Unit also teams up with local humane organizations and animal control officers to provide emergency and medical care during animal cruelty and neglect investigations.
The Rascal Unit brings pet sterilization and routine veterinary care to individuals in need.
If a female dog is in heat, there will be an additional fee of $5.00-$10.
Please keep in mind that large breed, overweight and older dogs in heat have a higher risk.
For this reason, we may turn away a dog after the initial exam if we do not feel they are a good surgical candidate.
The in-heat charge does not apply to cats.
If a male dog or cat is a cryptorchid (testicles have not fully descended), the cost of the procedure will be the cost of the neuter plus up to the full price of a spay for the same size.
We travel throughout the state with the help of local humane organizations, pounds, and shelters to bring compassionate pet sterilization and routine veterinary care to individuals in need.
The Rascal Unit will be conducting Wellness and Microchip clinics at different locations throughout Ohio.
These clinics are on a walk-in basis.
Check out the list below for where the Rascal Team will be next!
These are better known as 'Google my Pet' chips.
You can obtain more information about how the chip and service work by visiting SaveThisLife.com.
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