Castlerock Veterinary Hospital
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Our mission statement is to improve the quality of the human-animal bond by applying the best veterinary care to keep your pet healthy. We understand your pet is an important member of your family and our team of veterinarians and staff are dedicated to your pet's well-being by providing up-to-date medical, dental and surgical care.

Words cannot express the satisfaction and appreciation that you have given me in regard to not only this unfortunate case, but also in every animal that is brougt to your attention by me and Marshfield Police Department.You have always welcomed us with open arms for the good of animals. On the night of 1/15/10 there were no hesitations. The doors of the Castlerock were opened, staff was brought in, and love poured out.I personally want to thank every last one of you for everything that was done for these dogs.
Castlerock Veterinary Hospital veterinarians and technicians are committed to excellence.
Our world-class staff combines cutting-edge veterinary technology with decades of experience to provide the highest level of care for your pet.
We understand that a pet is part of the family.
Our goal is to provide each one with a long, healthy and happy life.
The day your pet enters our hospital it becomes part of our family too.
From new puppies and kittens to graying seniors, we are there every step of the way.
Your pet's health is always our number one priority, which is why for most pets we recommend annual wellness exams to ensure that your animal companion remains in good health.
If your pet is a senior-over seven for dogs, over nine for cats-we strongly suggest twice-yearly exams and blood screenings.
That's because pets age more rapidly than humans, meaning disease and illness develop faster as well.
Castlerock Veterinary Hospital's veterinarian-performed physical exams comprehensively assess every aspect of your pet's health.
Young animals are like kids-it's a never-ending job to keep them safe and happy.
Vaccinating your pet is a relatively inexpensive but very important way to protect his or her health.
In addition to preventing many life-threatening illnesses, vaccinations can prevent diseases prevalent in wildlife and those that can be passed to humans.
It's important to administer vaccinations when pets are puppies and kittens because their young immune systems are still developing and need protection to stay healthy.
Every year thousands of stray and unwanted animals are euthanized in shelters across the United States.
Many of these deaths are the avoidable result of owners failing to spay and neuter their pets.
Even if you keep a close watch on your pet, accidents happen, and unexpected offspring means more animals that won't be given the chance at full, happy lives.
Spaying and neutering can help end this cycle, and both procedures can have health benefits for pets.
Spaying is a common surgical procedure performed on female cats and dogs.
One of the worst feelings to experience as a pet owner is a realization that your pet has gone missing.
Only 17% of dogs and 2% of cats make it back to their owners-which can make it feel like you'll never see your pet again if they get lost.
Castlerock Veterinary Hospital wants to encourage you to consider microchipping your pet, even if they live entirely indoors-because even indoor pets can escape and become lost.
Unlike collars and tags, microchips can't fall off and they serve as permanent identification for a pet's entire life.
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